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Overcoming the Past, Determining its Consequences and Finding Solutions for the Present

The 6. Deaf History International Conference took place in Berlin from July 31 to August 4, 2006. It focused on how the European tragedy impacted Deaf People during the Second World War and particulary on the overarching theme of "Overcoming the past, determining its consequences and finding solutions for the present." The event was organized by the staff of the 6. Deaf History International (DHI) consisting mostly of members of the Interessensgemeinschaft Gehörloser jüdischer Abstammung in Deutschland (IGJAD, Association of the Deaf of Jewish Ancestry in Germany), in cooperation with the department of sign language education at Humboldt University, Berlin.

These proceedings contain the most important findings from the Conference, written from a global perspective and illustrated with photos, with the aim of elucidating the history of the Deaf and associated complications, and how it was affected by contemporary events. The authors are researchers and experts in their respective fields. Several Deaf Jewish survivors, participants in Conference Panels, gave first-hand accounts of their World War II and Holocaust experiences. A selection of visual material from the exhibition is reproduced here as well.

This publication is intended for all those interested in this long-neglected subject, and especially Deaf historians, Holocaust researchers, sociologists, geneticists, as well as educators and sign language researchers, in Germany and elsewhere. It offers a diverse range of interdisciplinary and interrelated insights.

Mark Zaurov & Klaus-B. Günther (Eds.): Overcoming the Past, Determining its Consequences and Finding Solutions for the Present. A contribution for Deaf Studies and Sign Language Education. Proceedings of the 6th Deaf History International Conference July 31 - August 04, 2006 at the Humbold University, Berlin. Paperback, 344 pp, Signum 2009, ISBN 978-3-936675-28-3. EUR 40,00

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